
For like your favorite songs, you need to install the aloonak app. Click the button and install the app on your phone.

Install App

For download your favorite songs and create a play list, you need to install the aloonak app. Click the button and install the app on your phone.

For download your favorite songs and create a play list, you need to install the aloonak app. Click the button and install the app on your phone.

    >        >    Sami Yusuf    >    The Creator

Sami Yusuf

The Creator

Sami Yusuf - The Creator
  • متن ترانه سامی یوسف به نام The Creator

La ilaha illa Allah
He created the plants and trees
He created the birds and bees
He created the oceans and seas
Some of His many bounties
He made us on earth trustees
To obey all His decrees
Oh Allah have mercy please,
Clean away our hearts’ disease

Jalla Allahu fi ‘oulah
Ma lana rabbun siwah
La ilaha illa Allah
Awwalun qablal wujud
Akhirun Ba’dal khulud
Mutlaqun ‘anil hudud
Wajibun lahus sujud
Rabbun wahibul hayah
Mujrir rihi wal miyah
Fadhat binnada yadah
Tuba lilladhi hadah

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